
A School shall be defined as a social institution designed to give formal learning to children and a school curriculum is a programme of selected content and learning experiences offered by a school and capable of either modifying or changing learner behaviour. Included in this definition are the following ideas:

  • There is a source from which content and learning experiences are selected
  • One or more people select content and learning experiences. Their selection is based on specified Criteria and/or influenced by a number of factors.
  • The learner should experience a change in behaviour after completing a programme. Ideally, the Behaviour changes should be those expected by the educators involved in the teaching-learning Process.

The core curriculum includes basic academic disciplines that focus on essential educational needs: Math, English (Literature and Creative Writing), Social Studies, Science, Hindi and Sanskrit. Some core courses are enhanced with DVDs, videos, and computer software.

Students who are more skilled may progress at a faster rate or may accelerate in the areas of their academic strengths. Slower students are encouraged to do their best but are able to work at their levels of proficiency and proceed as they are capable.

B. D. Academy follows the CBSE guidelines in respect to school curriculum. The important features of the curriculum of the school is as below:


The school follows the syllabus of CBSE, New Delhi

No. of Periods

There are 8 periods every day which covers all the essential subjects.

Teaching Learning process

The effectiveness of the teaching process is reflected in the behaviour of children. Here at B. D. Academy our process of teaching is highly appreciated by the community around and educators. The process involves Audio Visuals, Black Board work, Reading, Writing and enhance in the knowledge level of the learner. The coordination between the children and teachers in the teaching learning process is clearly visualized by the behaviour of the children.


The school’s primary lesion is the discipline. Discipline makes a man perfect and this is being considered as the key of learning process. The school discipline is followed not only by the students but also by the teacher community in the school.

Parent’s Teacher Meeting

The school organises two PTA meeting in an academic year. One after the Term 1 evaluation and second before the Term 2 examination. These meetings are very much effective in interactions of parents with the subject teachers and enable them to know the limitations of their respective learners and also devise a method to combat the limitations and enhance the quality of the learner.


There are only two major vacation in the school viz. Summer Vacation and Puja Vacation. A small vacation is provided in the winter season also but depending on the intensity of the cold.